
Oh Hello!

Let's bring out your, greatness!

Get clarity on your unique purpose and how you can incorporate it into your life. Download the FREE guide now!

Let'sCreate a joy movement together!

Foster a positive impact on yourself (yes YOU) and those around you!

ViveX Event Fractional Leadership

Hey Friends

Welcome to
The Vive!

Our mission is to inspire joy-filled lives.

Joy means something different to everybody, and The Vive was founded to help you, your business, and your friend groups discover what that means in a fun and collaborative way. Living a joy-filled life takes discovery, guided work, and intention. We are here to create that space so your cup gets filled, so you feel dipped in gold, and so you can soar.

Believe in the Vive!

Greatness is already in you.

Get clarity on your unique purpose and how you can incorporate it into your life. Download the FREE guide now!

Let's be intentional.

Generalities drive me nuts. Those nice messages that get posted about how we can live our lives positively are suuuuuure nice. Let's get real. What are the actions? As a reader you can expect:
  • A 1-2 punch
  • A way to apply the message
  • It will not be just one of those nicey-nice messages. Instead, you will find a real, practical, and intentional focus on life's greatest gifts.

  • Let's do this thing...


We are not given a Spirit of fear and timidity, but of Power, Love and self Discipline.

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