Vive, a community born out of a passion for friendship and a desire to foster deeper connections, has been on a mission to revive sisterhood and rekindle our connections with others—to inspire joy-filled lives. As author Krysti Turznik beautifully puts it, “I want to be with women, friends, who will hold space for me to rise to the vision I have for myself, who will kick me in the pants, listen, and be my cheerleader. You can’t get that unless you have a deeper connection with others.”
Vive stands as a testament to this philosophy, and it is built on three pillars: Connection, Learning, and Fun. In this year’s Vive eXperience, the theme was “Fun & Fabulous,” a reflection of our need to infuse fun into our lives despite the seriousness that often surrounds us.
The Vive eXperience women’s event 2023 brought together a remarkable lineup of speakers who shared their wisdom on how we can embrace fun, connection, and self-discovery in our lives. Here are some key takeaways from the event:
Unleash Your Strengths: Wendy Neu, the owner and chief navigator of Crossroads Coaching and Consulting, emphasized the importance of unleashing the person behind the smile. She pointed out that our strengths give us an indication of how we like to have fun, and who we are remains consistent whether we are at work or at home. Embrace your unique strengths and let them guide your path to happiness and fulfillment.
Comparisons are Limiting: Dr. Jennie, a licensed marriage and family therapist and supervisor and an AASECT certified sex therapist and supervisor, encouraged us to stop comparing ourselves to others. Each of us is a unique individual, and comparing ourselves to others only limits our potential for joy and self-acceptance.
Embrace Your Emotions: Dr. Jennie also highlighted the importance of acknowledging our feelings and not suppressing them. When we push our emotions down, we hinder our ability to be fully present and free. Allow all aspects of yourself, even the uninhibited and necessary ones, to come to the forefront.
The Three Variables of Fun: Dr. Jennie outlined the three key variables for having fun: being playful, connecting with yourself and others, and getting into your flow. Joy and happiness may seem similar, but joy is linked to things we value, whereas happiness is often more transient.
Overcoming Barriers to Fun: In our pursuit of fun, we often encounter barriers, including responsibility, self-doubt, our agendas, societal roles, fear, anxiety, and comparison. It’s essential to challenge these barriers and allow yourself to have fun without overthinking or self-judgment.
Balance Self-Care with Caring for Others: We often get caught up in caring for others and feel guilty when we prioritize our own well-being. Finding a healthy balance between self-care and caregiving is crucial for maintaining a joyful life.
Embrace Imperfection: Local MN multi-media artist and 2022 Art Tour International Artist of the Year Philip Noyed reminded us to let go of the pursuit of perfection. There is no right or wrong way to live or create. Embrace your creative spirit and be free to express yourself authentically. Accept that you are not perfect (none of us are). Messiness allows us to be true to ourselves and uninhibited. Embrace your quirks, for it is through our imperfections that we become more authentic and relatable—and you never know what great will come out of it.
Question Implicit Messaging: Reflect on where you learned the idea that you should always come last. Implicit societal, community, or familial messaging can affect our well-being. Challenge these ideas and let go of those that no longer serve you.
Celebrate Your Weirdness: Embrace your uniqueness and allow others to be just as weird as you are. Unconventional qualities make us interesting and help us stand out in a world where conformity is often overrated.
Embrace Boredom: Boredom is not a curse; it’s a gift for your brain. In a world that places excessive value on productivity, allowing yourself to simply be and explore your creativity is liberating.
Foster Self-Discovery and Curiosity: Let yourself learn and get curious about the world. Be creative and explore new avenues of self-expression. Listen to what “Hell-Yes” and “Hell-No” both feel like in your gut.
The ViveX 2023 event provided a wealth of insights into how we can bring more fun, connection, and self-discovery into our lives. It challenged us to let go of the limiting beliefs and comparisons that hold us back and encouraged us to embrace our true selves, quirks, and all. Through playfulness, self-acceptance, and curiosity, we can embark on a journey to live more authentically, break free from the constraints of perfectionism, and ultimately, make our dreams a reality. Vive continues to be a source of inspiration, reminding us of the importance of deeper connections, and, above all, the joy of living life to the fullest.